What's Next Gen X Y Z

Day in the Life of the Founders - Part II

Eunice Pierre-Louis, Rachael Kaufman Season 3 Episode 2

Rachael’s journey has been extremely interesting and varied. She by no means took a straight path to where she is today but for many her story is very familiar. Eunice however always knew what she wanted to do. Numbers have always called to her and from a young age she knew she wanted to be in accounting. 

While she took other jobs on her road to becoming an accountant, she had already determined what her end goal was. She plans on becoming certified but until then she’s happy adding to her knowledge and skills in her nine to five and within PGD Innovations. 

There are so many people who know exactly what they want to be when they grow up. They even make decisions as young people to reach those goals and take advantage of opportunities early on. 

Both Rachael and Eunice credit their varied experiences and view of the world for their ability to work so well together. 

Which are you? Do you have it all figured out? Are you still searching? Or, did you think you had it figured out and realize now, years later, that your passion for your field is waning? 

No matter where you’re at in your pursuit of excellence, listen in to this second part of the founders’ journey and learn more about why they’re so passionate about providing information and knowledge to young people today.

In this episode:

[00:28] Eunice shares when she knew accounting was what she wanted to do.

[02:14] A personal goal of hers is to have a CPA license.

[03:13] Listen as she shares what I like about accounting.

[06:05] Reach out to Eunice if you are interested in accounting.

[07:18] Rachael speaks about what she does and what the challenges are.

[11:40] They have both tried many jobs and settled on what made them the happiest.

[13:36] We want to prevent as many people as possible from making u-turns and get where they are happiest sooner.

[15:00] Rachael shares some advice she was given by her dad.

[18:07] At the end of the day, you want to do something you like doing, don’t do it just for the money.

[20:34] Thank you for listening!

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Thank you for listening and always remember and encourage youth when exploring careers and entrepreneurship to... "Think Outside the Box"

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